Thursday 12 March 2015

2.4 Homework Due Wed 18 March. Total 21

Complete neatly in the front of your books. Calculator allowed but working must be shown.
  1. A postman has a 12% pay increase from £18,000. What is his new salary?

    [3 marks]

  2. The number of insects on a corpse increases by 25% every hour. At 9am there were 1000 insects on the corpse.
    1. How many insects were there at 10am?
    2. How many insects were there at 11am?
    3. Roughly how many insects will there be by midday?

    [6 marks]

  3. A pair of trainers costs £35 AFTER a discount of 45%. How much were they before the discount?

    [3 marks]

  4. A paperboy has his wage increased by 15% to £6.65 per hour. What was his wage before it was increased??

    [3 marks]

  5. Express 490 as a product of its prime factors

    [2 marks]

  6. How many millimetres are there in 150m?

    [2 marks]

  7. £1 is worth $1.75
    1. How many dollars is £5.85?
    2. How many pounds is $228?

      [3 marks]

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